WELCOME TO TRUE TO SEED ~ Coeur d’Alene Seed Sharing Library!
True To Seed is a non-profit seed sharing resource located in the Coeur d’Alene Public Library. It is open to everyone in the North Idaho area and provides, in addition to seeds, education about growing and saving seeds. At no cost, the seed library offers a collection of heirloom and home-grown vegetable, herb and flower seeds. True to Seed is open whenever the CdA Public Library is open. You do not need to have a public library card to check out seeds.

What are Seeds?
A plant produces seeds in order to reproduce itself. Just like an egg has to be fertilized to become a new animal, a seed must be pollinated to produce a new plant. Understanding pollination is key to getting seeds to produce the plants you want. Some plants are self-pollinating—the male and female parts are contained within a single flower that fertilizes itself. Other plants, called cross-pollinators, have separate male and female flowers and pollen must travel from one flower to another in order for fertilization to occur.

Why is seed saving important?
Saving seeds not only helps improve agricultural biodiversity, but helps farmers and researchers find varieties of crops that grow better in different regions. Seed saving is central to the ideals of sustainability and food security, especially in times of concern about climate change and food safety. Seed saving represents our original relationship to the land, a mutual connection between us as humans and the plant kingdom.

Help Us Grow Local Seed!
Our intention is to grow more local seed for the benefit of our own regional food system. We’re focusing on preserving varieties that grow well in our area, increasing food security and local resilience. What can you do to help? Grow out seed! Our “Grow Out Program” gives anyone, with our guidance, an opportunity to grow out a specific variety to provide seed back to the library. If interested in this program, please email us at Truetoseed@gmail.com for more information!
About Us
The Coeur d’Alene Seed Library was founded by local long-time resident, Doug Fagerness in 2014. Doug eagerly shared seeds and his knowledge with the community. In the spring of 2016, Jessica Mannon and Char Beach took over coordination of the seed library and developed it into “True to Seed”, a seed sharing and saving program to stimulate the education and growth of locally acclimated seed varieties. Many volunteers have stepped up to help this program flourish, and we all have aspired to create a sustainable seed system in our region!
True to Seed Mission Statement
Coeur d’Alene Seed Sharing Library honors the tradition of seed saving and the preservation of genetic diversity. We strive to develop locally adapted seed varieties, strengthen community self-sufficiency, and promote a culture of sharing.True to Seed intends to fulfill its mission by creating and maintaining a seed library that offers free seeds to the community and providing education about sustainable organic gardening and seed saving.
Special Thanks!
Special Thanks to Coeur d’Alene Public Library Foundation for their support and fiscal sponsorship!!! Also, many thanks to the folks at Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library for all their generous resources for starting a seed library and to Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance for their infectious seed saving passion, education, and resources.
Thank you to other local partners and donors! UI Extension Master Gardeners, Coeur d’Alene Public Library and Fixed Focus Media.
The seeds that make up the collection in our Seed Library have come to us through the generous donations of regional and national seed companies and local growers. We’d especially like to acknowledge Seed Savers Exchange, Adaptive Seeds, Hudson Valley Seed Library, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co, Territorial Seeds Company, Siskiyou Seeds, Victory Seeds, High Mowing Seeds, and Snake River Seed Cooperative for their generous seed donations!